WBUK January Update 2023

The weather may be terrible and while the courts have yet again astonished us with the rejection of the appeal in the Kong case we have kicked off the year in a really upbeat mood with the announcement of the 1st Annual Whistleblowing Awareness Week that will be hosted in Westminster by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Whistleblowing in March. WhistleblowersUK will be playing a key role in organising the various sessions and events supported by our gracious and generous friends and supporters.

Our plans are now full steam ahead and if you would like to be involved as a supporter, helper, host an event, or sponsor of all or part of the event please get in touch. 

While we are busy with Whistleblowing Awareness Week we are keeping an eye on announcements eagerly awaiting the date of the next stage of the Protection for Whistleblowing Bill being brought forward by Baroness Kramer. We are also keeping our ear to the ground for opportunities to put forward whistleblowing amendments to other legislation. Our suggestions will feature in the Economic Crime and Finance and Banking Bills over coming weeks. 

Representatives from our legal panel recently met with Professor Julie MacFarlane, co-founder of Can't Buy My Silence to review the use of NDA's. We continue to fully support each other's work and will continue to improve and develop further proposals that will end the silencing of whistleblowers. More about this to follow soon. Can’t Buy My Silence.

This week our CEO met with Pamela Forward and the board of Whistleblowing Research Society Canada to discuss the development of a global approach to whistleblowing legislation, the importance of peer to peer and expert legal support.  Georgina is delighted to accept the invitation to join their advisory board. In the meantime we would like to draw everyone's attention to the forthcoming presentation by friend and fellow advisory board member Dr Ian Bron 

On the home front we continue to work with and receive enquiries from whistleblowers across every sector with one or two surprises. Supporting whistleblowers frequently brings us into contact with regulators and government departments where we increasingly find our whistleblowers being welcomed with open arms. 

Our new director Iain Mitchell KC has drafted an article for the Law Gazette that we hope to see in print shortly setting out the reason why the Protection for Whistleblowing Bill must become law. 

Our survey will continue to run for another month and we encourage you to share your experience and opinions as part of our forthcoming update on the effectiveness of PIDA. You can complete the survey here.

We have a range of interesting events and speakers in our calendar including our Whistleblowing Masterclass led by members of our legal panel Alexandra Sidossis and Heloise Ramage-Hayes on 26th January at 17:00. Tickets are available.

In addition we have reopened applications associate membership which provides access to range of activities and support, and an opportunity to be part of transforming whistleblowing! Application forms can be found here

If you would like more information email secretary@WBUK.org 

To just support our work you can donate here

Thank you to all of the team, our amazing volunteers, professionals and whistleblowers for all of your support, Together We Achieve More!

Happy New Year 

From the directors,

Tessa, Stephen, Iain, Jayne, Michael and Georgina  


Whistleblowing Awareness Week


Happy New Year from WhistleblowersUK