Home Office Whistleblower speaks out on hostile culture

Reporters from the Telegraph shared the recent experience of a Home Office whistleblower earlier this week, showing the pressure asylum application decision makers are under.

Speaking to reporters they say “I am terrified that one day one of my cases will end up on the news.” This is in the wake of a harrowing chemical attack in London, allegedly perpetrated by an asylum seeker here in the UK

The whistleblower highlighted how the Home Office is hostile to those speaking out in almost every case, adding to the pressure of tight deadlines to deal with the asylum case backlog. The account speaks of a Home Office under pressure to perform, that is not listening to the caseworkers on the ground making decisions.

Fundamentally, this whistleblower should not have had to go to the press. The Office of the Whistleblower would create a safe haven where whistleblowers can report their concerns, also best practise advice to public, private, and third sector organisations on their whistleblowing procedure.

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